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Fairford Academy Barnehurst

Happy and Bright

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

Remember, you can learn about lots more exciting things that happen in Fairford Academy Barnehurst by visiting the Outstanding Learning page under the Our Learning section.

  • Google Classroom goes LIVE!

    Thu 22 Oct 2020

    At Normandy Primary School, all pupils from Nursery to Year 6 can now access Google Classroom. As you are aware, at Normandy we are committed to improving children's learning and Google Classroom is an effective platform to do this.


    Google Classroom is a FREE and secure learning network for teachers, children and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework and aprticipate in discussions. Google Classroom is accessible online and on any mobile device with internet capabilities; they also offer a free Apple and Android app.


    You can access Google Classroom by using the following method:

    Email address:


    Password: Normandy!



  • Year 5 Persuasive Writing Task

    Mon 19 Oct 2020

    This week Mrs Whittington spoke with Year 5 pupils about the fact that she was considering giving them extra homework every evening. She asked them to write a persuasive letter addressed to her stating whether they agreed or disagreed with this and why. They were tasked with using P.P.E. (Point, Evidence, Explain) to detail their argument for or against. The children are working hard on their fantastic replies.


    Here are a couple of examples of paragraphs from some letters:


    "Dear Mrs Whittington, I am writing to you to persuade you to see extra homework as a bad thing. Of course you must have noticed that 6 hours a day, 5 days a week we are learning? So you must know that 1 or 2 hours of school after school isn't necessary. I'm compelled to convince you that our amount of homework is just fine". William, 5S


    "Dear Mrs Whittington, I am writing to express my disappointed heart that you think bringing back more homework is actually a good idea. I am totally against the idea of more homework, I can tell you why in this letter. If we had more homework everyday we wouldn't be able to do things with family". Olivia, 5S


    Mrs Whittington is looking forward to reading the finished letters!

  • Junior Leadership Team Elections

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

    This week, we have held our own elections for new school councillors to form part of our Junior Leadership Team. The children had to write manifestos to tell their peers why they wanted to be part of the Junior Leadership Team and then the other children voted for who they thought would be the best representative. This is always really enjoyable for the children and exciting for them to get involved in the voting and electing process.

    Congratulations to the following pupils who have been elected to form our Junior Leadership Team. I look forward to working with you all this year and seeing the exciting projects you will lead.


  • Smile and Be Kind Day

    Thu 01 Oct 2020

    On Thursday our catering team, Independent Catering, offered pupils a special themed day meal to celebrate Smile and Be Kind Day.

    Pupils chose from a delicious Beaming Beef Burger in a Beautiful Bun or an It's Neat and it's got no Meat Burger served with Wonderful Wedges and Don't Worry - BBQ Beans Happy! It was lovely to see so many of the children enjoying a freshly cooked, healthy lunch in our canteen and witnessing wonderful manners from our children.

    Lunchtimes are always a great time for the children to chat about the things that interest them and practise their lunchtime etiquette. It's especially lovely when they are smiling and being kind! Thank you children for always being so amazing during lunch service.

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: