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Fairford Academy Barnehurst

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Special Educational Needs Information



Admissions of pupils with EHC plans, where Fairford is named in the EHC, are conducted by the Local Authority as part of their SEN duties. 




Every child at Fairford Academy Barnehurst is an important and valued member of our community. We strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their best outcomes at school and in so doing the emotional wellbeing of all pupil’s must play a crucial role. At Fairford Academy Barnehurst all staff take responsibility for Inclusion. Quality First teaching, through a broad and balanced curriculum, is vital. However, for some pupils, there are occasions where when further additional programmes, support or assessment may be needed to help them achieve their potential or to improve their wellbeing. Early identification of needs is important: the school works with parents/carers and professionals to ensure the most appropriate support is accessible for all children. We wish to work in partnership with you to ensure that your child’s needs are met.

Our commitment to inclusion and our whole-school approach is in accordance with the Code of Practice 2014. The Code of Practice (2014) covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEND.


There is a clearer focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision making at individual and strategic levels, with a stronger focus on aspirations and on improving outcomes for children. This includes the early identification of SEND, and a graduated approach to planning appropriate support for teaching under the Assess, Plan, Do, Review.


It gives details of the LEA Local Offer of support for children and young people with SEND or difficulties, as well as, the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure close co-operation between education, health and social care.

For children and young people with more complex needs it details the co-ordinated assessment process of the 0-25 yrs. Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) replaces statements.


How accessible is the school environment?

  • Wheelchair Accessible on two levels at KS1 and through the main entrance
  • The school building has three levels; this makes it accessible for disabled children and adults in some year groups
  • There is disabled parking
  • As a school, we are happy to discuss individual access requirements


What are Special Needs and Disabilities?

At different times in their school life, a child or young person may have a special educational need.


The Code of Practice 2014 defines SEND as follows:

‘A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions’.


Children whom have an area of need or a delay in 1 or more of the following areas:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/ or Physical

Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.



Definition of disability

Many children and young people who have SEND may also have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.

This definition provides a relatively low threshold and included more children than many realise. ‘Long-term’ is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘Substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’ SEND Code of Practice 2014.


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Step 5


How do we consult parents of children with SEND and involve them in their child’s education?

Parents of children with SEND are consulted regularly through regular reviews, home and school contact, phone and face to face updates. The SENCo is available at parent evenings and termly Code of Practice meetings to discuss pupil’s educational progress and wellbeing. We have an open door policy for our parents and believe that in working together we can provide the best support for the child. For pupil’s with an EHC Plan an Annual Review is held involving all professionals where possible. An emergency review can be called at any point where there may be a change in the need or provision required.


How do we consult pupils with SEND and involve them in their education?

Pupils are involved in their own learning by attending parent meetings and reviews where appropriate and they are given regular pupil voice opportunities. Teachers and staff give consistent lesson feedback, in order to get pupils communicating and making suggestions on how to improve their learning experience. SEND pupils are also offered key sessions with support staff to discuss any concerns they have and share their opinions on how best we can support their needs. We strive to be inclusive at all times and our SEND pupils serve as House Captains and on the Pupil Parliament where they can voice their views. At every Learning Walk and Observation the views of our SEND pupils are sought. Pupil views form an important part of our EHC requests and Annual Reviews.


How do we assess and review children and young people’s progress towards outcomes?

The progress of SEND pupils is closely monitored and assessed termly during the autumn, spring and summer term. This will be through Pupil Progress, however, SEND pupils will have individualised targets which are monitored by the class teacher, TA, SENDCo, LSA and Speech and Language TA. This target may also be supported through the supported learning group, speech and language care plan and SEND programmes. Progress towards targets is closely monitored and reviewed and will be included on the personalised SEND Plan. This is part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process (see appendix 3). The SENCo will also be available to discuss progress with the parents/ carers at all stages. Communication is crucial to transition and receiving teachers are encouraged to revisit targets from the summer term. This folder may inform on an area a pupil may have found challenging in an earlier year group or information that may have affected progression. In depth transition meetings are held in the summer term.


What is our approach to teaching children and young people with SEND?

Approaches and strategies for teaching children and young people with SEND include high quality teaching by staff who are either SEND trained or supported by the SENCO and Speech and Language TA. At  Fairford Academy Barnehurst the curriculum across all year groups is broad, balanced and accessible for all SEND students. Classwork is adjusted and tailored for SEND students so they can access the National Curriculum and Development Matters.  There are opportunities for students to work in smaller supported groups within the classroom and in teacher focus groups within the classroom. There are opportunities for more intensive support with SEN teaching assistants through specialised programmes. We employ a Speech Therapist 1 day per week on site who carries out assessments, reviews, parent meetings, commissioned Speech and Language support, training for S&L TA, oversees care plans and advises on support for pupil. This includes working with the SENCo and S&L TA to set targets for individual pupils for the class teachers and TAs and activities to support these targets. The Speech Therapist meets regularly for planning and review meetings with the SENCo and S&L TA and oversees the NELI screening and speech and language programmes implemented by the S&L TA. We also provide intensive reading programmes after school : Bug Club Y1 & Y2,   Booster  English and Maths Y6. This term we have introduced an intensive reading programme in Y2 Lightening Read and an additional Y2 support TA – catch up in English and Maths.

For more detailed information on the interventions available, please see our local offer whole school provision map in Appendix 1.


How are adaptations made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEND?

Classwork is personalised for SEND students in order for them to access the curriculum. Examples of this include the use of visual aids, modified learning objectives, outcomes and learning scaffolds. A variety of resources are supplied and used in class to support students achieve. These include, visual prompts, vocabulary lists, to-do-lists, now and next boards, choice boxes, a range of writing tools and grips, buff books, coloured overlays, move n sit cushions, fidgets, raised desks etc. These also include more specialised resources recommended by Occupational Therapy. We endeavor to seek out and supply any and all resources recommended to assist a child’s learning experience.


How are staff trained to support students with SEND?

All staff at Fairford Academy Barnehurst have received in-house INSET training for SEND. SEND Toolkit training. SEND training provided by outside agencies, such as Speech and Language therapist and Educational Psychologists, are also organised. Support staff have received regular SEND training, and the school receives outreach support from other services including the Autism Advisory Team, SENCo Forum Team, the Early Intervention Team and the Educational Psychologist Team. There are also CPD sessions for all SEND support staff. Training needs can be identified in regular SEND Team meetings and Teacher/ TA skills audits. The SENCo provides SEND Toolkit training (QFT: Assess , Plan, Do, Review) for all teachers and support staff and regularly revisits areas at staff meetings. This includes, target setting, monitoring and review, SEND Plans, CoP policy and procedures, NQT training,  SpLD training- dyslexia, ASD /ADHD strategies and resources, Toe by Toe, Plus 1 and Power of 2 Maths, Keeping Children Safe in Education, child mental health, Child Protection. The SENCo facilitates training from specialist teams for all staff: Understanding Autism/  ADHD (including MDS); Jolly Phonics, Chatter box, Letters and Sounds; colourful semantics; Rigby Star; Rapid Reading, Bug Club, Jump Ahead/OT programmes, PECs (KS1, YI teacher), Speech and Language programmes including: Speech and Language Link, BLAST 1 and BLAST2, Talkboost, Memory Magic, Poric, Black Sheep Press, Lego Therapy. The SENCo has an open door policy for all staff to advise and support with good practice, next steps, strategies, programmes and resources. We are continually looking to advance our in- house skills disseminating training through key staff and through CPD.


How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND?

The effectiveness of the provision is evaluated by consistent quality assurance through Learning Walks, Observations  of lessons; Deep Dives- these are carried out by the SENCo, Head Teacher, Deputy Head- Teaching, Learning and Assessment, SLT and subject leaders. Pupil voice is sought on every occasion. Book monitoring across year group and progression monitoring are carried out regularly. Individual target monitoring and review and group TA monitoring towards targets are crucial to informing the effectiveness of the support so that other approaches to learning may be tried, the SEND Plan is reviewed on an individual time scale, Speech and Language care plans are reviewed regularly, feedback from parents informs the whole picture for the child. All pupils complete termly assessment- where appropriate teacher assessment may be used, assessments are adjusted for the need of the child where applicable. Pupil Progress Meetings where SLT, SENCo and core subject leaders review the progress of all pupils with year group teachers and plan teacher focus  and supported groups, identify target pupils.

The SENCo completes a termly report on the impact of TA support groups- showing the progress from starting points for each pupil against the cohort for Reading, Writing and Maths. For all Reading, Phonics and speech and language and specialised programmes  ( Appendix 1 Provision Map) the SENCo evaluates the effectiveness of the programme by measuring progress from baseline starting point to end of programme for each child and the overall for effectiveness of provision. The measure of effectiveness will be dependent on the provision.


What support do we provide for improving SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) needs?

We believe that the emotional wellbeing of all of our pupils is crucial to their capacity to absorb learning. We foster an ethos of kindness, caring and empathy amongst our school community. We have robust SMSC, RSE- Jigsaw programme, Wellbeing policies. We strive to ensure that all pupils know who they can talk to and feel safe in doing so. For this reason we have photographs of key staff members in toilets and on doors reminding pupils that we are here to listen. We understand that some pupils may feel more comfortable with a different member of staff so that we ensure that all staff have training to broaden their understanding of the child’s emotional development, for instance, Educational Psychologist ASIS training; cognitive behavior therapy; adverse childhood experiences; Bexley Mental Health Advisor : child mental health and emotional wellbeing. We buy in SEMH support 0.1 per week to offer 1:1 support for some pupils. Staff have KCSiE training from the DSL which includes robust training on handling disclosure so that all staff are very clear on safeguarding practice.

We work closely with SEMH services so that pupils are able access support through specialist providers including; CAMHS, CHEWs, Imago, Play therapy, MIND amongst others. This will include the ASD advisory team and related training courses through Bexley Voice, SNAP, NAS – including groups for siblings of ASD or SEND pupils.

In school we have trained staff to offer our pupil’s support including: a trained Mental Health First aider , a Draw  and Talk practitioner, emotional/behavioural support, “key person “ check (family liaison/parent support). We offer support to families as a Team Around the Child and will seek out further support where required such as, Family Lives, Family Wellbeing. We also work closely with our families who may have a higher need under social care for a period of time, this includes working with social workers and the Looked After Team.

As mentioned we strive to foster a caring and sharing community, to this end pupils enjoy the role of peer mentor and buddy both at break and play times and when welcoming new pupils to our school.

We aim to be inclusive at all times and it is our belief that adjustments must be made to any behaviour policy so that the SEND and emotional need of the pupil is the first consideration when managing behaviours. We support pupils through behaviour plans and PSP when required. We believe that a reflective and restorative approach is the most effective for the child.

Early Help also provide immediate access to a duty social worker to support both pupils and their families and advise school when there is an urgent need for this to happen. We have zero tolerance towards bullying and a robust behavior reward system in place.  We promote equality and celebrate diversity. We have a zero tolerance to intimidation, harassment and any language which may cause humiliation or impact on self esteem. ( Please see Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy; Child on Child/Peer on Peer Abuse policy). Mutual respect, caring, kindness are incorporated into our ethos and frequent assemblies focus on the messages of our Behaviour; PSHE, SMSC and EDI policies. Pupils in the early stages of emotional and social development because of their special educational needs will be supported to enable them to develop and mature appropriately,  where this  may require additional and different resources we will endeavor to meet these needs.


How does the school involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEND needs and supporting their families?

The school liaises closely with the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language therapist, Children Community Nursing Team;(CCNT), Complex Medical Needs Team,School Nurses; Specialist Speech Therapist – ACORNS,  Specialist Speech therapist (Evelina), Occupational Therapy Team, Physiotherapy Team, Hearing Impairment Team, Autism Advisory Team; ACORNS, Bexley Voice; CAMHS CHEWs, Social Care; Early Help; Health Advisors; Solace, Imago- Young Carers, Safer Schools, Channel amongst others.

Where a training need is identified beyond this we will find a provider who is able to deliver it.

We work closely with Health services to draw up comprehensive Health Care Plans prior to admission or transition with professionals, parent/carers and pupils- accessible to all staff in the classroom, school office, First Aid room. Each pupil has a Personal Evacuation Plan (PEEP) reviewed each school year.


When does a child or young person not have SEND?

At Fairford Academy Barnehurst it is clear that only those pupils who require additional specialist provision will be referred to as having SEND status. Other issues which may impact on progress and attainment but are NOT SEND include:

    • Disability (the Code of Practice outlines the “reasonable adjustment “duty for all settings and schools provided under current Disability Equality legislation – these alone do not constitute SEND)
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Health and Welfare
  • EAL
  • Being in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant
  • Being a Looked After Child
  • Being a child of Serviceman/woman
  • Identifying behaviour as a need is no longer an acceptable way of describing SEND. Any concerns relating to a child or young person’s behaviour will be described as an underlying response to a need, which Fairford Academy Barnehurst will be able to recognise and identify clearly as we know the child/young person well and can respond to their needs.

                     (Please refer to Fairford Academy Barnehurst's Behaviour Policy)


What arrangements are in place for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about the provision made at the school?

If parents and carers have complaints about the SEND provision within the school they can address these directly with the Head teacher. The school is committed to resolving complaints and grievances when they infrequently come up and resolutions are sought at all times. Please refer to the School Complaints policy.



Where can I find the Bexley local offer?

The local offer for pupils with SEND can be found on the local authority website. This will give a clear guidance as to which outside agencies are available within Bexley SEND Local Offer:



Our SEND information report follows the advice given by The SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 – September 2015

6.79 – 6.83 Publishing information: SEND Information report

The SEND Code of Practice can be downloaded using the link below: 398815/SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf  


Where can I find information on IASS (Information, Advice Support Services)? 


How does Fairford Academy Barnehurst store and manage information for pupils with SEND?

Fairford Academy Barnehurst recognises the importance of appropriately managing and storing documentation associated with SEND.

When receiving confidential documentation through the post, letters are received via the Office Manager and forwarded to the SEND Team for further action. 



  • Appendix 1 Whole School Local Offer Provision Map
  • Appendix 2 Personalised Plan Format
  • Appendix 3 Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
  • Appendix 4 Accessibility
  • Appendix 5 Bexley Quality First Teaching SEND Toolkit
  • Appendix 6 Supporting pupils at school with Medical Conditions















Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: