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Fairford Academy Barnehurst

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Year 4 Hall Place

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, year 4 pupils visited Hall Place to take part in workshops relating to their topic on Tudors. They experienced life in Tudor times by exploring the Tudor building and grounds, looking at Tudor portraits, learning about Tudor food in teh Tudor kitchen, dressing in Tudor clothes and dancing a Tudor dance, as well as making beeswax candles. During their visit they learnt that Sir John Champneys built Hall Place in 1537 when he was a merchant and Lord Mayor of London. He used brick, slate, wood, glass, tiles, plaster and stone to build the magnificent building, which were recycled from religious buildings knocked down in Henry VI's dissolution of the Monasteries, probably nearby Lessness Abbey. What a fantastic learning opportunity for our Year 4 pupils!

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

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