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Fairford Academy Barnehurst home page

Fairford Academy Barnehurst

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Well Being Assembly

We welcomed Pascale, the Public Health Advisor for Children and Young People, into school to deliver a Well Being assembly to pupils in Years 1 to 6. (Reception classed discussed well being in class). She spoke to the children about what to do if they felt worried about something and how to keep positive in stressful situations. Some tips she shared with the children were:

  • Get into a good sleep routine - do something before bed like reading a book
  • Exercise - Being active helps our mental well being
  • Health Eating - Eating healthy food improves your mood, gives you energy and helps you to think clearly
  • Personal Hygiene - Keeping ourselves clean improves our health
  • Keep Hydrated - Drinking water keeps our brain working

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: