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Times Tables Rockstars

Pupils at Normandy are enjoying taking part in carefully sequenced programmes of daily times tables practice. Each week the pupils concentrate on different times tables and take part in challenges, giving themselves a 'Rockstar' user name and trying to be the fastest speed at getting all times tables questions correct and earning the most points. The top leading 'Rockstars' are entered into the Hall of Fame and win the accolade of being the fastest 'Rockstar' in school or the highest earner.


You can help your child by ensuring that they practices their times tables on Times Tables Rockstars. There is an app that they can access or children can use the internet to improve their time. Miss Martin has made a display board near the school office where she will display the names of children with the fastest speed and the most points.


Children - do you think you could make Normandy's leader board on the Hall of Fame? Keep rocking!

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: