Superhero Day - 'Reception Classes'
This term, pupils in Reception Classes have been learning about 'Superheroes' as part of their topic. For the last week of topic, all of the children in Reception celebrated a brilliant term of learning by coming to school dressed up as 'Superheroes'. They started the day by making super sandwiches and fruit kebabs. The children had to be very careful and concentrate hard but they used their Superhero skills and did a fantastic job! This was followed by a Superhero picnic! They then built super buildings and created super structures using their teamwork skills. It is well known that Superheroes need down time to build their powers up again so the children, sorry 'Superheroes', then took part in a Superhero Yoga session. They had such a super day and it was lovely to see all of the children in their bright costumes. Thank you to all of the parents for the children's super costumes!