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Fairford Academy Barnehurst

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KS1 Nativity 'Lights, Camel, Action!'

We invited the parents of our Year 1 and 2 pupils along to see their nativity 'Lights, Camel, Action!' The Bethlehem Broadcasting Company were on hand to record a dazzling dance show to celebrate the special occasion of Jesus' birth. Personalities such as the funky camels and a disco star came together to dance styles ranging from tango to line dancing with the judges scoring them and the audience cheering for their winner. Well done children, you were all superstars!


During these performances, we collected a fantastic £111.68 for the Bexley Community Hospice. Thank you.

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: