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Fairford Academy Barnehurst

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House Captain Elections

At Normandy Primary School we like to develop pupil's independence skills for the future. We are proud of the many opportunities that we offer with House and Vice Captains being one of them. 

This week, Year 6 have been voting for their House and Vice House Captains. All year 6 pupils were invited to stand for election if they wanted to and the remaining house members then voted for who they thought could represent their house in a positive and encouraging way whilst implementing our school values which are 'Happy and Bright'. CONGRATULATIONS to all our House and Vice House Captains. I know that you will do a wonderful job for Normandy Primary School.

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: