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Holocaust - Year 6

This week in Year 6 classes, pupils have been learning about survivors of the Holocaust, focussing on Suzanne, who showed bravery and resilience in her battle to hide from Hitler's Nazi Army. The pupils have been retelling Suzanne's story as a narrative for their extended writing.

Simon said "We learnt that due to Hitler, other people's lives were at risk. People were killed because of their religion. Madame Cloome helped Suzanne to escape Hitler. Her life was changed and she would have been killed if it was not for Madame Cloome's bravery."

Summer said "Suzanne's life was changed upside down when the Nazi's were occupying France. The soldiers told Suzanne's family to pack up and leave but Madame Cloome saved Suzanne's life by helping her to escape."

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