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Fairford Academy Barnehurst - FAB Launch Day

On Friday 11th February, we launched our new library and new school name FAIRFORD ACADEMY BARNEHURST.



We have been making our new library a more attractive area for pupils since just before Christmas, inviting Arty Party into our school on two separate occasions. Arty Party worked with pupils to make large models of book characters to brighten up the ceiling area of our library and to make a large entrance arch of books and book characters. It really has brightened up this area and makes an inviting area for the children to enjoy getting engrossed in a book.


We have added thousands and thousands of pounds worth of brand new books to each classroom and our new library area. These new reading texts have helped to improve each of our class reading areas along with our main school library area.


We have also built a digital research area within our library to promote the use of technology to support reading and learning, a bright area surrounded by colourful digital images along with Chrome books set up for use by the pupils.



To celebrate our new school name, all year groups had assemblies with one of our featured Poets, Paul Lyalls and Justin Coe, who have been writing poetry for years. The children thoroughly enjoyed experiencing live poetry and have written some of their own amazing poems.


During the morning, we were joined by Sir David Evennett (MP for Bexley), Councillor James Hunt (Mayor for Bexley), Paul Holloway (Chauffeur to the Mayor), Mrs Robinson (Chief Operating Officer), Bertie (one of our new Trust Dog Mentors) and Mr Clements, Mrs Tolliday and Miss Morris who are all Governors of our school. Our Reading Ambassadors offered them refreshments in our new school library, before showing them around the library and the incredible art work on show and the hundreds of new books filling the shelves.


Later, our visitors joined us in the hall for our Launch Assembly with our pupils. There was a mixture of memories of our old school, excitement about our future journey and celebration of our new name and logo, along with the Trust's new name of Illuminate Minds Trust. We heard from Ms Southby (CEO/ EHT) discussing the reason behind our trust name and School name change. We awarded pupils with prizes for their ideas towards what will go inside our Time Capsule celebrating the old of Normandy and the new of Fairford schools. I wonder who will open this capsule in 50 years time?


Finally, we had performance poetry from both Justin and Paul, including a unique and specially commissioned poem by Paul especially for our school. Every pupil was given a copy of this poem to keep.


What a FABulous day we had!

Contact Us

Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

Telephone: 01322 333 998 Email: