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Be What You Want To Be Day

What did you want to be when you grew up?


Well, children at Normandy Primary School have been excitedly thinking about future aspirational careers during their annual 'Be What You Want To Be Day.'

Children dressed up as space engineers, hairdressers, pilots, video editors and artists to name but a few.

Children welcomed a large number of visitors to the school and heard them talk about their own jobs and careers. Children learnt about the skills and qualities needed, along with qualifications and experience that might be useful, to help attain these jobs.

Two Governors at the school, Derek Clements (retired teachers) and Jo Moulton (Senior Educational Welfare Officer) answered challenging questions from the children about their jobs. All the visitors were really impressed with the children's inquisitive and thought-provoking questions.

Other guests included Karen Bathie( International Swimmer), Michael Lowe (MOD Security Guard) and Karen Rodwell (Matron and Leader of Bexley Nurses).

Questions included 'What are the challenging parts of your job?' and 'If you hadn't become what you are now, what would you have done and why?'

Bentley (aged 7) yearns to be a Paramedic when he grows up; he has already taken the first step on his career path by joining the Badger Sett of the local St John's Ambulance.

He attends the club weekly to learn about first aid, how to be an active citizen, leadership skills and much more that will help him on his way to his dream job. Bentley said, 'I want to be a Paramedic when I am older because i want to be able to help people and save their lives. I liked listening to Karen's careeer journey because she told us about how she wanted to help people too and how she became a nurse.'

Ikram (aged 9) is passionate about reading and writing and said, 'I want to be a Literary Agent. I think it will be a fun job to do. I am taking part in Literacy Award Competition and I love reading and discussinf the books; I have also been Writer of the Week many times.

Mrs Whittington said proudly, 'Each year we run this Aspirational Day, the children amaze us more and more with their varied choice of aspiring jobs and careers; the first year we ran this, there were lots of children who wanted to be footballers and princesses. It's wonderful to see how the children have broadened their ambitions and really thought hard about what they could be in the future. I am confident that our future workforce will be resilient and hardworking!'

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Fairford Academy Barnehurst,

Fairford Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 6QP

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